User Experience (UX) ist mehr als nur Design – sie entscheidet darüber, wie angenehm und intuitiv die Interaktion mit einer Website oder App für die Nutzer ist. Eine gut gestaltete UX sorgt nicht nur für zufriedene Kund*innen, sondern steigert auch Conversions und fördert die langfristige Kundenbindung. Wer die Bedeutung von UX unterschätzt, verpasst die Chance, sich im digitalen Wettbewerb abzuheben.
An excellent UX offers companies enormous advantages. It leads to higher conversion rates, strengthens that Customer trust and reduces bounce rates. Companies that invest in an optimized UX create a pleasant, intuitive user experience that keeps visitors and moves them to take action.
With a clear UX strategy, companies can usability improve and Potential for success open up. This means that websites or apps not only work better, but also offer sustainable added value.
The path to this success starts with understanding the target group and optimizing their journey through your digital product. Yoline is there to help.
User experience (UX) and SEO are closely linked. Search engines such as Google now rate user experience as an important factor for ranking. A well-designed UX ensures that visitors stay on your site longer, find their way around better, and find what they're looking for faster. These signals — such as length of stay, low bounce rates, and positive interactions — directly influence search engine rankings.
To ensure that not only is your content found by search engines, but that visitors stay on your site because it's intuitive and enjoyable to use. Optimal loading speed, mobile optimization, and user-friendly navigation — all of this improves the UX and at the same time ensures that Google prefers your site.
User Experience (UX) refers to the entire experience that a user has on a website or app — from functionality to emotional perception.
User interface (UI) On the other hand, it focuses purely on the visual design and interface, i.e. on graphical elements such as buttons, menus or layouts.
During UI the look and interaction the website determines, provides UX ensures that it is pleasant and efficient to use is. Both areas must work together harmoniously, but UX is more comprehensive and goes beyond visual design — it's about the entire user experience.
In short: UI is what users see. UX is what users feel. And finally: At Yoline, we have had the experience that the tasks in UX design should not be done by the same person as the design (UI design)