Customer: BergBox
Even before Yoline was founded, our network was able to help establish BergBox. All marketing activities and measures are planned and coordinated by Yoline. The project was initiated using a textbook template: After creating the business model and initial market research results, it was clear that the market in Valais was too small to profitably manage a company of this type. This assessment was confirmed by an external team of experts consisting of lecturers and professors from ETH Zurich and HSG St. Gallen.
Before the actual start, it was time to make an important decision: Continue or give up? Since the project was never designed to maximize profits, it was decided to move on. Additional business areas have been integrated, and lo and behold: Even though the main business segment is not profitable, BergBox still exists today after four years.
Not least thanks to the solid marketing strategy, lean management methods and structured and digitized processes, employees were rewarded. The project remains a fascinating case study, as BergBox allows us to provide open and very transparent insight into strategies, tracking, KPIs, marketing automation, SEO strategy and even failures.
Wir machen dein Business fit für die Zukunft. Mit smarten Strategien und digitalen Lösungen begleiten wir dich und dein Team von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung. Unser Ziel? Bald schon wieder weg zu sein und von extern den nachhaltigen Erfolg deiner Brand zu sehen. Wir verbinden menschliche Kompetenz mit Technologie und den Werten deines Unternehmens. Klingt gut, oder?